I finally caved and started to blog as well. I'm hoping that Lisa will be posting as well, but for now, you're stuck with boring old me. As many of you who I'm still in contact with know, Lisa and I have been working really hard to get our home ready for winter. For those who don't know:
We finally finished the back yard. - We started with hill covered in weeds, and now have a 2-story shed, a vegetable garden, 2 flower gardens, a patio, a sprinkler system, and sod.
I was only able to get half of our house re-sided before the weather got to be too much of a struggle, so I'll have to finish that this spring.

We just increased the insulation in our attic LITERALLY 5 fold! - We rented an insulation blower, and while my dad helped feed the blower, I spent 3 hours up in the attic taking our insulation from R-7 (about 2 inches deep) to R-38+ (somewhere around 12 or 13 inches deep). We now need to have Questar come out and approve the insulation so I can apply for the rebate. (pictures to come)
Lisa graduated a while ago, but has decided to go back for another degree; this time, in accounting. I, on the other hand, just finished my second Associate Degree. (I changed majors really late) I'm loving what I'm doing now, so it's okay. In addition to being enrolled full time in school, I have joined up with two student chapters. I am the Vice President of the UMCA (Utah Mechanical Contractors Association) Student Chapter, and am Treasurer of the WSU Residential Construction Student Chapter. I keep myself pretty busy with school.
Lisa and I are both working full-time right now. Lisa is the secretary for the Dean of the College of Science at Weber State, and is loving her job. I think she's very much appreciated too. I am working full-time as an Assistant Project Manager for Moss Industrial Inc; an industrial piping company that works on things like fuel refineries, defense projects, and pipelines. I also work part-time for Best Buy in Riverdale as a Home Theater Solution Specialist (Salesman).
Well, that about sums up our life this last year. Until later...